“Ecstasy / Light / Inertia” is an interactive narrative-driven application that proposes a novel method to experience new music inspired by a time when virtual artistic events became ubiquitous by necessity. It is comprised of a 3d environment that allows navigation and interaction aiming to present a comprehensive virtual alternative to a traditional concert setting/sound art gallery.
“Ecstasy / Light / Inertia” exhibits multi-layered music installations in virtual spaces built with high-quality real-life 3d scans inside the Unreal Game Engine. It additionally combines spatial audio modeling, Nordic modernist architecture/nature, and gamified design/interaction paradigms to pursue a setting capable of delivering a holistic, engaging, and ultimately lasting aesthetic experience.
This work has received very generous support from the Jefferson Scholars Foundation (US), the University of Virginia (US), the Finnish Government through the Arts Promotion Center (FI), and Genelec (FI).
Download for free here:
The trailer is here: