— Juan Carlos Vasquez: Composer and Sound Artist


For a current citations tracker, please visit the Google Scholar profile.


Most of these articles are available to read for free at the ResearchGate profile here.



Peer-reviewed Journal articles (refereed)


Vasquez, J.C. (2019). Sound Appropriation and Musical Borrowing as a Compositional Tool in New Electroacoustic Music. Leonardo Music Journal 29, MIT Press


McGooking, D., Tahiroğlu, K., Vaittinen, T., Kytö, M., Monastero, B., Vasquez, J (2019). Investigating tangential access for location-based digital cultural heritage applications. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies 122, 196-210.


Tahiroğlu,K., Vasquez, J.C., Kildal, J. (2017). Facilitating the Musician’s Engagement with New Musical Interfaces: Counteractions in Music Performance. Computer Music Journal 41, 2, 69-82, MIT Press.



Articles in refereed conference proceedings


Vasquez, J.C. (2022). Interactive Gamification for New Experimental Music: Initial Findings, Proceedings of the Annual Symposium on Computer-Human Interaction in Play, University of Bremen, Germany (forthcoming)


Giannoutakis, K., Vasquez, J.C. (2022). Collaborative Electroacoustic Music Composition on the Blockchain, Proceedings of the International Computer Music Conference (ICMC), University of Limerick, Ireland


Vasquez, J.C., Fraire, O (2021). Current Activism Trends in Sound Art and Electroacoustic Music in Mexico and Colombia, Proceedings of the International Computer Music Conference (ICMC) 2020, Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile, Chile


Brown, R., Vasquez J.C. (2021) Autoethnography and Emotional Exposure as an Approach for Electroacoustic Music Composition, Proceedings of the International Computer Music Conference (ICMC) 2020, Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile, Chile


Vasquez, J.C. (2019). Considerations on Sound Art Documentation: Theories and Case Studies, Proceedings of the International Computer Music Conference (ICMC), New York University, USA


McGookin, D., Tahiroğlu, K., Vaittinen, T., Kytö, M., Monastero, B. & Vasquez Gomez (2018). Cultural Heritage ‘In-The-Wild’: Considering Digital Access to Cultural Heritage in Everyday Life. Proceedings of the International Conference on Di­gital Hu­man­it­ies in the Nor­dic Coun­tries (DHN)


McGookin, D., Tahiroğlu, K., Vaittinen, T., Kytö, M., Monastero, B. & Vasquez Gomez (2017). Investigating Seasonality in Mobile Cultural Heritage Applications. Proceedings of the 35th Annual ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI). ACM


Vasquez, J.C., Tahiroğlu, K., Kildal, J (2017). Idiomatic Composition Practices for New Musical Instruments: Context, Background and Current Applications, Proceedings of New Interfaces for Music Expression (NIME) Aalborg University Copenhagen, Denmark.


Vasquez, J. C., Tahiroğlu, K., Pöllönen, N., Kildal, J., Ahmaniemi, T. (2017). Monitoring and Supporting Engagement in Skilled Tasks: From Creative Musical Activity to Psychological Wellbeing. Proceedings of the Sound and Music Computing Conference. Aalto University, Finland.


Tahiroğlu, K., Vasquez, J.C., Kildal, J (2016). Non-intrusive Counter-actions: Maintaining Progressively Engaging Interactions for Music Performance, Proceedings of New Interfaces for Music Expression (NIME) Griffith University, Brisbane, Australia.


Vasquez, J.C., Tahiroğlu, K., Kildal, J (2016). Motivic Through-Composition Applied to a Network of Intelligent Agents, Proceedings of the International Computer Music Conference (ICMC) University of Arts Utrecht, Netherlands.



Masters’ Thesis


Vasquez Gomez, J. (2016). Defragmenting Beethoven: Sound Appropriation as bridge between classical tradition and electroacoustic music. Aalto University